They want to charge us for the sun…

It seems unbelievable that in these times in which we find ourselves, where we should be self-sufficient, because we are running out of limited resources such as oil, that first they sell us the panacea that we all have to be self-sufficient, we must consume green energy (wind, photovoltaic…), buy electric cars, pellet stoves and other great inventions to conserve this planet that we are destroying between all of us, drilling the sea where it should not be because they do not know where to get more guts out of it.), buy electric cars, pellet stoves and other great inventions to preserve this planet that we are taking between us all, drilling the sea where it should not be because they do not know where to get more guts to the earth, and now it turns out that the power companies and the government want to privatize the sun, if you consume photons pay for it, do not miss this video, it is not wasted.
Let’s hope that someone puts a little conscience and coherence in this matter.


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